
Fikser (Country Restoration)

Country Restoration has been providing restoration services since 1999. Having used a few different software solutions to manage their operations, they had a good idea what they wanted when they made the decision to build their custom app, Fikser.

Fikser is a multi-faceted solution for tracking jobs from when a lead comes in until the final invoice is sent. It includes a sophisticated - but easy to use - drag and drop schedule, document handling tied into Microsoft OneDrive, activity tracking, timekeeping and a deep integration with QuickBooks Desktop for on point job costing and analysis.

Country Restoration
Tech Stack

  • Job Tracking
  • Scheduling
  • Timekeeping
  • Job Costing
  • OneDrive
  • QuickBooks
Fikser Schedule on Desktop

Country Restoration has a great team of project managers and service technicians who perform a lot of the mitigation and restoration work for their customers. On the construction side, they'll self perform some of the work and sub other tasks out to trades and other subcontractors. This is a lot to keep track of, and combined with the constantly shifting schedules of the construction world, knowing who was available and who was tied up on a given day was a significant challenge for them.

The Fikser Schedule Page is a fully functional drag and drop schedule with multiple layers that can be toggled on and off: Jobs, Todo Items, Notes, and maybe most importantly, Available Techs. With the Available Techs toggled on, Country Restoration can see who is available, who is not and who is overbooked for any given day at a glance. Assigning a tech to a task takes a simple drag and drop.

The Schedule can also be viewed per job and set to show only "Customer Facing" items so it can easily be shared with the customer, giving them the ability to know what's going on with their project.


Fikser has been amazing for us! After experimenting for years with multiple prebuilt apps, we finally found the perfect fit with Fikser. Tailored specifically for our company, it has made everyone’s job easier - from our production employees to our office staff. The time savings for timekeeping and scheduling has been invaluable, not to mention the ease of use and functionality.

Fikser MenuFikser Leads ListFikser Lead PageFikser Job PageFikser ClockinFikser Schedule